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On The Issues



One of the biggest outside influencers to rural Wyoming and ag production is government. Rural representation is vital to protecting the values of our rural communities and family-operated farms and ranches.


As a farmer, Eric faces the same daily struggles other ag producers face. Eric will work to prevent government from burdening our rural communities and instead focus on issues that matter, such as the utilization of critical resources.



Eric is proud to stand with Wyoming’s legacy energy industry. Coal, oil, gas, trona, and uranium are the backbone of Wyoming’s economy. Tens of thousands of jobs in this state are under attack by bureaucrats and Green New Deal fanatics in Washington and the West Coast.


After working in the oil industry for decades, Eric knows firsthand that behind each job is a family. Eric will use his passion and experience to form legislation and policies to protect these jobs and the families they provide for.



Our local communities and our state’s economic health rely on strong infrastructure. As a Platte County Commissioner, Eric worked to deliver critical funding for local water infrastructure, renovating Platte County’s 100-year-old courthouse and renovating the county’s 4-H building.

Access to optical fiber, fixing water and sewer, and maintaining our roads need to be at the forefront of our State Senator’s agenda. Eric is the only candidate with experience serving in local government and the ability to hit the ground running on local infrastructure needs.



Eric knows that our state is responsible for protecting its citizens through law enforcement, fire protection, our judicial system, and effective incarceration. Wyoming can only fulfill these responsibilities and continue its low tax rates by ensuring the free market can flourish in Wyoming and attract business to our state’s tax base.


Eric will fight to keep taxes low and work with local and state business leaders to guarantee Wyoming is the best state to live in and the best state to do business in. 


Wyoming Values

Wyoming stands for more than the name of a state. It stands for a time-honored way of life. It means helping your neighbor, thoughtful leadership, respecting others, and self-determination. Wyoming values have largely been built on the values of agriculture.  Not only does Eric understand the “Code of the West”, but he also lives by it.  In addition to the ‘Code’, Eric is a hardworking man who will give you respectful and thoughtful leadership.


More than ever, we need leadership that is interested in serving the people and less interested in serving themselves. Eric will represent our conservative Christian values and defend our constitutional rights from anyone seeking to infringe on them.

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